shoes for spring

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Spring is right around the corner and I am so excited for all the beautiful blooms, warmer weather, and of course fashion! As with each new season, there are trends that come and go and others that are timeless classics you can count on seeing year after year. I'm always most excited for spring shoes since my feet have been shoved into boots and closed-toed flats for months. Give me all the sandals so I can let my toes finally breathe, please! I'm also down for any excuse to get a pretty polish pedicure (say that 3 times fast). 

When I was in high school and college, I had a belief that more is always more. When spring rolled around, I'd buy as many cheap sandals as I could find just to have a variety and to fill up my closet with options. But after awhile, I realized I was only wearing 2-3 pairs of these shoes on repeat and the others were sitting in my closet collecting dust (and by "sitting" I mean piled on top of each other in disarray). I knew something had to change because even though each pair was inexpensive, I was spending a lot when you added it all together and thus wasting money. It took me years to realize that the wiser decision was to invest in several pairs of quality, well-made shoes that I loved. This way they'd last for years and I'd get my money's worth, plus I wouldn't have to worry about them breaking or showing wear like the cheaper sandals I'd been buying.

I discovered Jeweled Shoes Pasha last summer and fell completely in love (you may remember them from this post) for the brand's style, durability, and overall beauty. I have two pairs of Pasha sandals now and they are by far the most stunning and most complimented shoes I own. No pictures can do justice on just how much these shoes sparkle and shine; I'm wearing the Pasha Corinth Rose style above and while they have a blue and purple tint to them, the Swavovski Bohemian crystals sparkle so much that they give off an iridescent look. The crystals catch the light and whatever color is around, making them match everything in my closet since they pick up whatever color I'm wearing that day. That's my favorite part about Jeweled Shoes Pasha- they go with every outfit and can instantly dress up a look. While I'm wearing them with a dress above, I lived in this pair last summer with basic tees and distressed denim shorts. I don't think I have any other shoes that are acceptable for both church and the beach- now that's versatility. And they're COMFORTABLE, which is the most important part!

I could talk shoes all day (as y'all already know), but Bear and I are headed to lunch at Target soon for a few last minute baby items. We got our carpets and tile professionally steamed/cleaned this morning and the house smells fresh and ready for baby boy's arrival any day now! Hope you all have a great weekend!
xo, Britt

*Thank you to Jeweled Shoes Pasha for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.