walmart spring sandals

Hi, friends! Long time no see here on the blog. A week, to be exact, and it’s been a whirlwind of one. I don’t want to get too heavy here, as I know we are all seeing endless scary things in the media and I would like to keep this little corner of the internet as much of a positive escape as possible. My heart is so heavy for all those affected by COVID 19 and I just want to take a moment to say “thank you” to those doctors, nurses, first responders, and other health care professionals who are risking their lives everyday to help combat this virus. Let’s all do our part to make their jobs easier. We can and will all get through this together.

Keeping things light, one bright side of a quarantine is the distraction of online shopping. Walmart has tons of cute spring sandals right now, most under $20. Sharing a look and links to all below!

waltmart spring sandals collage .001.jpeg

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten

Which is your favorite? I love all of them (and own several) but I currently have numbers 2 and 4 in my cart. Luckily in Houston we can wear sandals almost year round so I have a good excuse to stock up :).

Hope you’re all staying safe and laying low during this crazy time. Now more than ever we need to come together and think about what’s best for our communities, not just ourselves. Sending you all big (virtual!) hugs and so much love.
xo, Britt