walmart finds under $20

The weather has finally cooled off in Houston which means it’s time to bust out allllll the sweaters, knits, and boots. By “cooled off” I mean in the mid-70s, but we’ll take it. Walmart has so many great pieces right now for under $20- I thought I’d share some of my favorites. The cozier, the better!


This robe is a dupe for a much more expensive robe from Pottery Barn, and I can tell you firsthand the Walmart version is just as good. It would also make a great gift! I’m loving camera bags with fun straps right now, so I had to grab this one. Walmart has interchangeable straps for under $5 so you can give your bag a fresh look as often as you’d like depending on the season, your mood that day, etc. I change mine often, because of Texas weather and my moods that tend to change just as quickly as the weather.

Boone and I were actually at Walmart today and saw so much great stuff! Lots of holiday decor, new shoes, and tons of cute kids clothes. Have you scored anything there lately that you’re loving?!
xo, Britt