graham cracker toffee

I'm sure you've all seen, and probably tried, the Pinterest-made-famous "Christmas Crack". But just in case you haven't, this post is for you! I had seen this recipe floating around Pinterest for several years, always made with Saltine Crackers, but never got around to making it. A few weeks ago I saw a similar recipe using graham crackers and decided to finally take the plunge. I'm so glad I did because this stuff is AMAZING. It also makes the perfect holiday treat for neighbors, friends, teachers, yourself...anyone, really. We packed up some for Bear's teachers and Zach's friends at work and they all loved it (or at least said they did)!

What makes this toffee so delicious is the crazy amount of milk chocolate melted on top, along with the rich, sweet, crunchy graham cracker bottom. The brown sugar and butter cooked together make this caramely glaze that bakes into the graham crackers, filling them with flavor and turning them into a crispy, nutty toffee. Do I have your attention yet? If not, let me add that the recipe calls for two (not one but two) ONE POUND Hershey bars. That's a lot of chocolate, folks. And I for one am not complaining.

Our little family made the trek home for the holidays yesterday and I can't wait to start baking with my sweet momma! You can bet that we'll be making these bars again- it's a tradition to walk around the neighborhood and hand out treats on Christmas Eve and this toffee is so easy to package (I just stack it in cellophane bags and tie with pretty ribbon). We usually spend all day on the 23rd in the kitchen, baking batches of pumpkin bread, snickerdoodle cookies, and my Mom's famous fudge. It's one of my very favorite days of the whole year, even if I can't button my pants for a week afterward. Totally worth it.

Graham Cracker Toffee

1 pkg. honey graham crackers
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
1/2 cup chopped pecans
2 lbs. Hershey's chocolate bars with almonds (2 one lb. bars)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
2. Line a large baking sheet with aluminum foil. Lightly grease with nonstick cooking spray. Cover baking sheet with whole graham cracker sheets.
3. In a medium saucepan set to medium heat, bring brown sugar and butter to a boil. Simmer for 4 minutes, stirring constantly. Stir in chopped pecans. Pour over graham crackers and bake for 8 minutes.
4. While it's baking, remove Hershey bars from wrappers and break into small pieces. Remove from oven and immediately line chocolate pieces over top. Let sit for 10 minutes. Spread melted chocolate with a knife or rubber spatula. 
5. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or freeze for 30 minutes, then cut and serve toffee. 

All of my Houston friends keep posting about how cold it is there and while 38 degrees is about as low as it gets in those parts, it is much colder here in West Texas. When we left Houston yesterday, it was a warm 78 degrees and we were blasting the AC. When we arrived in Sweetwater last night, it was a bone-chilling 14 degrees. Talk about some weather-shock! Somehow it doesn't seem to affect my boys at all, as they skip the coats and gloves and want to play outside despite the freezing cold temps. I, on the other hand, am currently cozied up by the fire in a sweater, Michelin Man looking coat, faux fur-lined slippers, and a beanie. Oh and I'm sipping hot chocolate between my glove-covered fingers. 

There's nothing quite like being home for the holidays and I'm so thankful we get to be with our families on Christmas again this year. I just recorded National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation to watch with the fam tonight, another holiday tradition. I'm not sure if anyone loves it as much as I do but somehow, I find it just as hilarious every single year. And no matter how crazy things may get, "Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. We're all in this together".
xo, Britt