similar romper (mine is still available in Dillard's stores, just not online!) | boots | bag | similar necklace

photos by Banavenue

A few weeks ago, I saw a questionnaire floating around Facebook that wives were asking their husbands and decided to play along with Zach. He was a sport and answered the questions, and his responses were pretty spot on (with the exception of a few exaggerations). Here’s how it went:

(I was reading the questions aloud and the answers are his verbatim responses!)

What is something I always say? We never go on vacation
What makes me happy? Shopping
What makes me sad? Missing out on a sale
How old am I? (three minutes later) 29
How tall am I? You really are 5’1 1/2 but you round it up to 5'3
What's my favorite thing to do? Shop, eat candy, watch TV
What do I do when you're not here? That’s a good question
If I became famous, what will it be for? Winning the lotto
What makes you proud of me? Your blog
What is my favorite food? Candy
What is my favorite restaurant? Depends, Freddy’s when they have Pumpkin Pie Concretes
Where is my favorite place to be? Vacation
If I could go anywhere, where would it be? Beach
Do you think you could live without me? Yes
How do I annoy you? Asking me survey questions
What is your favorite thing about me? Your love for Bear and how nice you are to everyone


I’m keeping this post short and sweet because Zach, Bear, and I are currently sitting in the darkness of our living room with only candlelight and the illumination from this laptop screen to see. Bear had his friend Carson over for most of the day today and when we got back from taking Carson home around 6:20pm, our electricity was off. We'd been at the park since 4:30, so I have no idea how long the electricity has been off. Two hours after taking Carson home and we’re still sitting in darkness. Fingers crossed it comes on soon because we’re all hungry, tired, and this mama is ready to watch The Bachelor! This would happen on a Monday night. 
*edited: The electricity came on and I was finally able to hit "publish" on this post! And only 1 hr. 40 min. late for the Bachelor (thank goodness for DVR). Hallelujah! Anytime our electricity goes out for an extended period of time (it happens more often than it should), I'm reminded of how thankful we should be for all the amenities we take for granted on a daily basis: electricity, water, a roof over our heads, etc. There are millions of people in this world who aren't afforded the same luxuries and I sound ridiculous complaining that we have to sit in the dark (together, as a family) for a few hours. We are blessed.

Hope your week is off to a great start!
xo, Britt