our secret to finding kid's activities in the big city

I'm back home from Puerto Vallarta and feeling so, well, ready to go back! Shelbi and I had the most amazing vacay and I can't wait to share all about it soon. As we flew over and into Houston Monday evening, I couldn't help but feel a bit blown away by how vastly huge this city I call home truly is. With a population of over two million and countless surrounding suburbs, Houston gives meaning to the phrase "everything is bigger (and more spread out) in Texas".

Zach and I are both small town kids- we grew up in towns with tiny populations that the majority of even fellow Texans have never heard of. Living in Houston has been a bit overwhelming at times to say the least, even more so once we added a sweet little boy to the mix four years ago! Around Bear's first birthday, I started wondering how on earth people found out about local camps, activities, and workshops for kids in their area. A standard google search doesn't produce accurate or informative results, and word of mouth doesn't help much like it does in a small town. Luckily I found out about iQuriousKids and it's opened a whole new world of fun for our little guy (and his parents). We can now simply search the 60 categories and over 4,000 kids camps, activities, and after school programs our city has to offer all on one convenient website. And, thank heavens, iQuriousKids couldn't be easier to use and navigate. Because y'all know this mama is technologically challenged!

my similar jacket | sweater | leggings | shoes | choker | sunnies
Bear's sweater | joggers | sneakers

There are several reason iQuriousKids is our go-to for finding activities for Bear in our area, the first being that it was created by local parents who knew there was a need for such a practical platform. These parents were clearly on to something because there's nothing else like it out there! 

I love that I can search by age, location, and activity so that I get specific results we're actually interested in for Bear. I don't want to drive over an hour each way to Sugarland for an art camp, so I don't have to waste my time filtering through results that aren't practical for us. In one easy click, I can find all the activities and camps within a five mile radius of us. It's that simple and helps me plan out our spring break, summer, and holidays so much easier! I can't tell you how many time this has saved us on a long weekend. The activities are even rated so I know whether each listing is something we want to enroll Bear in or not. Most recently, I found a summer academy at Top Golf right by our house that I can't wait for Bear to attend- I know he's going to love it and it will give me some free hours to work this summer while he's out of school.

The older Bear gets, the more addicted he wants to be to the iPad and iPhone. Zach and I try our hardest to prevent this, but it's a tough ballgame being a parent in the age of smart phones. We want Bear to spend more time being outdoors, playing with other kids, and most importantly, learning new things. Thanks to iQuriousKids, we can make this happen! Simply put, it's the ultimate online guide to kids camps and activities in Houston. And if you're a parent in this area, I promise you and your kids both are going to love it!

xo, Britt

This post is sponsored by iQuriousKids but as always, all opinions are my own.