5 healthy habits with harvest snaps

my dress | shoes | earrings | bag
Bear's similar shirt | shorts | sandals

photos by RaeTay Photography

When it comes to eating habits, Bear has one thing in mind- SNACKING. He eats meals, too; unlike a lot of kids his age, we were blessed with a really good eater. I say "good" but while Bear eats plenty, he's also very picky. His meal of choice is always "grilled cheese, french fries, and ketchup". And because I give in to this request so frequently, I try to make up for non-nutricious meals with healthy and yummy snacks. That's why we love Harvest Snaps in our house! They're a delicious healthier substitute for regular potato chips, and honestly we like the taste even better. Harvest Snaps are baked, gluten-free, high in fiber and protein, and low in sodium & fat. With 8 different delicious flavors to choose from (our favorites being Caesar and Lentil Bean Onion Thyme), we always have a variety in our pantry and I feel good about giving Bear a snack that provides nutritional benefits. It helps even more that he asks for and loves them!

As far as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we are by no means the poster children. We watch too much TV in our house and stay up too late most nights, but health is about so much more than that. Staying healthy and happy is about lifestyle choices and balance, which Zach and I strive to implement in our everyday lives. For every pint of ice cream, we'll spend an hour at the park with Bear. It's all about give and take and while we're not perfect, here are some of our habits for keeping our family on track.

1. Get enough sleep. While we do often stay up too late, we make sure to only do this when we can in turn sleep in! Bear gets 12+ hours of sleep every single night and I try to get at least 7-8.
2. Protect our skin. This is something I started way too late in life but luckily I've wised up and now understand the importance of SPF. I keep sunscreen in the car, in my purse, and in pretty much every bag we own so that I can coat Bear anytime we head outside. Keeping his skin protected from harmful UV rays is basically my life's mission (maybe a little overdramatic? nah).
3. Snack the healthy way. As I said before, we don't always eat the healthiest at meal time. We're on the go constantly and I don't always have time to cook (or want to, if I'm being real here). Because of this, I stock up on healthy snacks we love like Harvest Snaps that keep our energy level up while satisfying salty sweet cravings.
4. Drink water. Almost 6 years ago, I passed 5 kidney stones in a year. Words cannot express how painful that experience was and I swore to change my lifestyle at any cost to prevent those little devils from passing again. I've never had any trouble since, knock on wood, and I credit that mostly to upping my daily water intake. I'm sure you all know the importance of staying hydrated so I won't harp on this but it is so vital to overall health!
5. Take a daily walk. This is something I've done for years and I love with Z & B come along with me! Zach always laugh at my "walk addiction", but it's not even really about exercise for me. Taking a walk every evening allows me to get fresh air, free my mind, and just feels overall good for the soul. 

What are some ways you stay healthy and feeling good? I'd love to hear!
xo, Britt

*Thank you to Harvest Snaps for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions are my own.