walmart fall finds

I hope you’re all having a great week so far! Per usual, Walmart has been killing the game this fall with everything from fashion to home decor. One of my favorite things about Walmart fashion is that I can experiment with trends without breaking the bank. Not sponsored at all, just a big fan! Have you found anything at Walmart lately that you love? Sharing some of my recent favorites below.


It’s a rainy, gloomy day in Houston today and we’re taking advantage of an excuse to stay home. We’re supposed to get some cooler weather (in the 70’s) this weekend, and I can’t wait! Thinking we’ll hit up P6 Farms and take the boys to the pumpkin patch. Bear is playing flag football on Saturdays and loving it, and I’m actually enjoying being a football mom. If it doesn’t give me a heart attack, that is. I know you mamas can relate. If only they could play flag football, no tackling, forever. Let’s start a petition.
xo, Britt (helicopter mom)