Valentine's Day Chicken & Waffles Board

Y’all know by now that I love making charcuterie boards, especially when skipping the meat and opting for sweets. But this board combined the best of both worlds….Chick Fil A chicken nuggets and alllllll the sugar. The perfect mix of salty+sweet. Behold, the Chicken & Waffles grazing board.

The sky is the limit with this board, which made it really fun to put together. Originally, it was just going to be a breakfast board with red velvet mini waffles and endless toppings. It came to me one night as I was falling asleep, as all the best ideas do, to add CFA nuggets to the mix. Considering the nuggets were the first thing cleared off the board, I’d say it was a good idea. Thank you, insomnia.

The heart-shaped waffle maker can be found for under $10 here and red velvet waffle/pancake mix is here. You should be able to fix the waffle mix at your local grocery store for less. Everything else was picked up at various stores, mostly Target. They have tons of cute V-Day stuff out right now!

We had friends over for a playdate this past weekend, which is when we devoured this board. I worried the kids might not like it or be skeptical of the pink waffles, but I stand corrected. They loved it. What’s not to love about Nutella and strawberries?

xo, Britt